The Study of Leonard Hughes
Put the Pen Down!

I don't do a lot of writing, but I may be doing some serious writing very soon. I've been working on an idea for a film the last few days, and had a few creative breakthroughs today. I pitched the idea to Angie over lunch and she immediately lost her appetite, pushed her meal aside, and was very close to heading to the bathroom. That's right, the story was so powerful it twisted her stomach up just like that.

I'm going to work on it a little more before posting any details, but I can see myself making this film early next year. I'll put together a proper treatment and post it soon. I'm going to need some help!

Can't wait to see it! It already sounds good.
I hope things continue to come together smoothly with it. Keep us informed and let me know if there's any specific kind of help you need.
Is this sort of like your "5 Sad Things EP"? Come on now, let's throw the plot out there.
I never told you about the five sad things EP? Yikes! And I totally forgot about that project myself. That's some powerful stuff, too. I'll dig that up.
Know, you have told me about it, that's why I'm wondering if that's what this film idea is based on. Feel free to rehash the "5 Sad Things EP" on Try Avoidance, though, so that everyone else can see how sick, twisted, and brilliant you are.
Sometimes I like to say "Know" when I really mean "No." Don't ask me why.

Maybe subconsciously I was going for some sort of slang, "Know this man, you have told me ..."

Or maybe I'm just covering my tracks.
I will dig up five sad things and post about it. If by sick and twisted you mean that I find great beauty in tragic death, I am that. If by brilliant you mean I am brilliant, there can be no doubt.

The big question is will I ever fill in the details. I tend toward the conceptual. My songs are emotional vignettes, and my films, though fully formed in my head, are more about feeling than about action. Will it translate? We will soon find out.
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